Nursing, as a field of knowledge, is increasingly representative in intellectual production around the world. Although it is possible to perceive its expressiveness, nursing still faces several research challenges. Among them, I will highlight the challenges driven by the implication of research results in the qualification of professional practice and the ways in which research is valued in the contemporary world.

Regarding the implications of the research results in the qualification of professional practice, there is a gap in transposing the theoretical knowledge of scientific productions to the daily practice of professional practice. This situation limits the possibilities for transforming the context of practice and the reality of the population [1]. Researchers in the field, regardless of the line of research, need to emphasize care as the telos (final goal) of nursing [2], capturing its subjective and objective dimension. The rescue and valorization of research that can capture such dimensions generate results that make sense in daily practice, contributing to the transposition of the theory into the context of professional practice.

In addition, researchers in the field of nursing need to invest in the dissemination and advertising of works; transpose the production centered in the academy, including nurses working in the practice of health services in the development of research; and strengthen the social commitment to return research results to health services. In this way, the theoretical knowledge produced in research has the potential to resonate in daily practice and promote the valorization of nursing, giving visibility to the profession and overcoming the biological limit still in supremacy in health research.

Another challenge is about how the contemporary capitalist world dictates ways of producing scientific knowledge in nursing. The capitalist logic of intellectual production is guided by productivity in a context of low investment capital to fund the development of research. Thus, the underfunding of research, especially in developing countries, hinders scientific progress while encouraging the capitalist mode of production, considering that the choice of projects to be financed goes through quantitative criteria for the researcher’s production. Such contradiction may explain the increase in fractional production-driven in the last decade, in which there was an increase in the exchange of authorship instead of collaborative authorship and the creative/innovative block in researchers, culminating in the repetition of research problems and the withdrawal of productions with a focus in nursing telos [3,4].

The constant changes in the world generate arduous impacts and repercussions in the ways of research. Despite the challenges of nursing research, it is expanding and in evidence, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic in which nursing stood out as an area of knowledge and in its social relevance. In this sense, as researchers in the area, we need to create networks and collaborations that help to overcome the challenges imposed by the contemporary world, revealing knowledge about care and its implications for the daily practice of health services.



  1. Paim L; Trentini M; Silva DG; Jochen AA. Challenges in nursing research. Esc. Anna Nery [online], 14(2): 386-390, 2010 [cited 2021 Apr 30]. Available at:
  2. Caram CS, Peter E, Brito MJ. Invisibility of the self: Reaching for the telos of nursing within a context of moral distress. Nurs Inq. 2019;26(1):e12269. Available at:
  3. Van Weijen D, Plume A. Publish or perish? The rise of the fractional author… . Elsevier Research Trends 2014; 18 [cited 30 April 2021]. Available from:
  4. Lino MM, Backes VMS, Da Costa MASMC, Martins MMFPS, Lino MM. The influence of capitalism on the production of knowledge in nursing. Rev Gaúcha Enferm [online], 38(1):e61829, 2017. Available at:



Autoría: Carolina da Silva Caram. Editora responsable: Verónica Tíscar.

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Este documento debe citarse como: “Da Silva Caram C. Challenges about nursing research [Internet]. Enfermería Activa del Siglo XXI: blog abierto; 13 de septiembre de 2021. Disponible en:”

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